Saturday, July 12, 2008

Necroquest. Part One: The Inheritance.
Beta version is available to download. It is fully functional and playable.

Tom has to success his grandfather’s business, who was a necromancer in Transsyberia. His Grandfather disappears and another evil necromancer attempts to take over his business. Help Tom to fight back the bad guys, get their girls, and become the real necromancer!

NB: This game is for adults! Please check if you are adult, before downloading it. (^_^) More...

He even has a succubus in his cellar (if it ends good?).
You can download NecroQuest from AGS-Game page for free. No charge, really (^_^)
don't "save as.." it, it doesn't work. Use "open in new window" and then download it.

You can discuss NecroQuest in this thread.


- AGS game engine
- 320*240
- My very own lo-res graphic
- many round headed characters
- some lo-res erotic and violence (this game is not for kids. Sorry...)
- some black (but not only) humor
- weird (but hopefully interest) story
- weird fictional world
- some bonus stuff...


Click here to see the whole post!